On Thursday, February 27, the junior high girls go up against the Irish in their final home game of the season. The A-team lost with a score of 17-47. Scoring for the Indians were Aubrey Sisco with eight points, Emily Koster with 5 points, and Ainsley Rauner with four points. The B-team lost with a score of 8-12. Emily Koster, Brook Tozer, Aubrey Sisco, and Emma Turnbull each had two points that game.
8th grader Ainsley stated, ”Something I did well in was posting up. Something I could have improved on is making better passes and hustling more. The team could improve on wanting the ball and hustling down the court while being a team player.”
When asked what they needed to work on before their next games of their season, Coach Don Jacobs commented, ”We can always work to get better, rebound, and move better. These girls have played hard all year long. They make me proud for how hard they play.”
The girls finished their season at the Johnson-Brock Invite on March 3.