JV Boys

On Tuesday, February 11, the junior varsity boys play Axtell, KS at home. The boys lost with a score of 32-39. Leading the team in points this game was Jordan Wernimont with 22 points, followed by Braydon Frakes with 5, Payton Rose with 4, Justin Baehr with 2, and Dawson Wilkinson with 1.

When asked what the team did well, Justin Baehr stated, “The team did a pretty good job overall with passing, shooting, and defense.”

The boys have one more game this season. When asked what he's liked about this season, Coach Mason Amundson replied, “I have had a lot of fun this season. I have learned so much from Coach Sejkora.  Having a team where you can work on the fine details without worrying about the fundamentals is fun because we can focus on the game plan and improving in the areas we need.” 

The JV team will play in Southern on February 21. Good luck, boys!

JV BoysJV BoysJV Boys